MegaTokyo Forum Drinking Game

This is an old Story Discussions running gag that kind of took on a life of its own. A few of the things on here are probably pretty dated now. Anyway, most of these are in response to questions people ask quite often. We're laughing with you, not at you, so please don't feel bad. Some of them are in response to discussions or speculations that occur quite often. This is not to discourage those topics, but to laugh at ourselves for how often we revisit them.

When invoking the drinking game in the forum, please provide a link to this page so everybody knows what you're referring to. Also, please don't use the drinking game as an excuse to derail threads.

See the FAQ page for some other common questions.

Take a drink when...

  • (#1) ... Someone says strip [44] is foreshadowing. [telliamed]
  • (It may or may not be, but be sure that you're not the first to notice this.)
  • (#2) ... Someone asks what happened to Rodney. [telliamed]
  • (He stopped writing rants regularly a long time ago, then he stopped being an official co-writer.)
  • (#3) ... Someone thinks a character's given name and surname are two different people. [telliamed]
  • (Check the character list if you get confused.)
  • (#4) ... Someone thinks Erika and Kimiko are sisters. [telliamed]
  • (They are just roommates.)
  • (#5) ... Someone mentions the fanboy war. [telliamed]
  • (Don't know what that is? Go check the "Forum Roleplaying" section on the links page.)
  • (#6) ... Someone asks how to pronounce "Piro". [telliamed]
  • (That's covered in the Reader's Guide strip [27] notes.)
  • (#7) Finish the bottle whenever someone compares MegaTokyo to Love Hina. [telliamed]
  • (That's covered in the Reader's Guide strip [128] notes.)
  • (#8) ... Some newbie makes an intro post on the lines of: "Help! I don't understand what's going on!" [Psieye]
  • (That's why the strip has archives. Go read them. Or the Cliff Notes if you are really lazy.)
  • (#9) ... Somebody asks what baka means. [Ray Kremer]
  • (It means idiot.)
  • (#10) ... Somebody asks for l33t to be explained. [Ray Kremer]
  • (MTFN's FAQ covers this, also look towards the bottom of the links page.)
  • (#11) ... Somebody writes an entire sentence in advanced l33t. [Ray Kremer]
  • (Most people just find it annoying. Exemption for quoting of l33t d00d.)
  • (#12) ... Somebody asks when a certain character is going to make an appearance when they simply aren't a part of the currently running scenes. [Ray Kremer & Psieye]
  • (Wait for it. They'll be back eventually.)
  • (#13) ... Somebody asks whether Miho is evil or not. [Psieye]
  • (We don't know either, but the debate rages on.)
  • (#14) ... Some newbie declares it's his/her first post - regardless of whether the post is intelligent or n00bish. [Psieye]
  • (Welcome to the forums! Jump on in, no formal introduction is necessary.)
  • (#15) ...Somebody says MegaTokyo should be turned into anime. [Ray Kremer]
  • (No, you're not the first one to think of that.)
  • (#16) ...Someone argues for a certain relationship with no new arguments. Especially if it's a popular relationship. [Psieye]
  • (Most conceivable character pairings have already been theorized in the fourms. At least twice. Just know that you're not the first to think of it.)
  • (#17) ...Somebody asks what happened to the Tsubasa character. [Izuko]
  • (Read the "Is Tsubasa coming back?" question here. Even though he got a quick cameo in Chapter 7 it's doubtful that we'll see him all that often, and his adventures in America aren't really part of the story.)
  • (#18) ...Someone asks if Piro and Largo will ever get home. [Psieye]
  • (We don't know either, but that would kind of end the comic, now wouldn't it?)
  • (#19) Finish the bottle when someone sincerely apologises for several n00bish posts he/she made. [Psieye]
  • (#20) ...Someone comes up with a Miho theory that they thought was new. [Psieye]
  • (Miho is perhaps the most discussed character. Theories abound.)
  • (#21) And finish the bottle if it really is new and never-heard-before and validly ties in with the known evidence. [Psieye]
  • (#22) ...Someone asks or theorizes about what Largo's cool thing really is. [Ray Kremer]
  • (Nobody really knows. Several people consider it to be a MacGuffin. See also Fred's rant under strip [540].)
  • (#23) ...Someone ponders over how real Largo's experiences are or if Piro and Largo live in different worlds. [Ray Kremer & CountAlpicola]
  • (This is debated quite often, though the general consensus is that pretty much everything we see is real and there is just one world. But what do we know?)
  • (#24) ...Somebody requests more flashbacks or backstory on the characters. [Ray Kremer]
  • (The story has to start somewhere, you know. We learn plenty about these people by going forward, and going backwards too much would just delay the going forward.)
  • (#25) Two drinks when someone posts that the comic isn't funny anymore, or the story is too slow, or is otherwise going downhill. [Ray Kremer]
  • (We're sorry you don't like MegaTokyo anymore. Just don't post about it and not expect that a lot of people are going to disagree.)
  • (#26) ...Someone asks when the characters or story page will be updated. [Komodo]
  • (We don't know either. Fred's not really keen on the idea of having those pages. It seems to be a back burner sort of thing.)
  • (#27) Finish the bottle whenever someone compares a Ping scene to Chobits. [Nightwalker AK]
  • (Ping has many anime robot girl influences, none of which are Chi. Sometimes the similarities you see really are unintentional.)
  • (#28) ...Somebody thinks the cat by Miho's computer in strip [180] is Asmodeus's cat Belphegor. [Integral]
  • (We haven't ruled it out completely, but the general consensus is no.)
  • (#29) ...Somebody theorizes that the vanished pop star Dom is talking about in strip [420] is Erika. [Ray Kremer]
  • (That was supposed to be obvious. Her name is on the CD cover, for one thing.)
  • (#30) ...Somebody is confused about Endgames. [Ray Kremer]
  • (It's true that we only know bits and pieces of what went on. It doesn't seem to be all that critical to the current story though.)
  • (#31) ...Something in a strip prompts several people to start separate threads on the same topic. [Ray Kremer & Aree]
  • (We do tend to keep discussion about the latest strips together in one or two threads, but beyond that, it's just plain amusing to see a forum frenzy like that.)
  • (#32) ...Somebody thinks that Miho had something to do with the invasion by Erika's fanboys. [Sabyr]
  • (If [512] and [616] aren't enough to convince you otherwise, you're just a hopeless conspiracy theorist.)
  • (#33) ...Somebody is bothered that even when Junpei is speaking Japanese, the comic gives his lines in broken English.[Ray Kremer]
  • (Running gag of Junpei broken English established early. When Junpei start speak Japanese, gag ruined if not continue broken English. Also tribute to old ninja movies with bad dubs.)
  • (#34) ...Somebody claims a source to the name Largo other than BubbleGum Crisis. [Ray Kremer]
  • (Yes, it means slow in Italian and turns up other places here and there, but that's got nothing to do with MT. Rodney Caston took the name from BGC.)
  • (#35) ...Somebody thinks Yuki and her friends are in Largo's class along with Miho, Junko, and the rest. [JeroenB]
  • (Yuki's in the middle school that is attached to the high school Miho goes to.)
  • (#36) ...Somebody points out that the people in the story discussions forum are obsessively overanalyzing something from the comic. [Izuko]
  • (Not to say that they don't do that, but I guess calling them on it is impolite.)
  • (#37) ...Somebody thinks a recent comic is the first time Largo has refered to Piro by name. [MaulingMonkey]
  • (That this has come up before proves that Largo has used Piro's name in the past.)
  • (#38) ...Somebody asks for confirmation of what something in the comic is referencing when it's already been mentioned in the discussion thread for that strip. [Refugee]
  • (Please look over existing threads, use the search engine if it's an older comic you're wondering about. People usually point out that sort of thing pretty quickly, so you won't have to read any long threads in their entirety.)
  • (#39) ...Somebody asks about or guesses what the cover of the next MegaTokyo book will look like. [Rapierman]
  • (Nobody knows until Fred actually draws it and reveals it to us.)
  • (#40) ...Somebody suggests that Largo or another character will enter an unrelated plot thread to resolve it. [NightStrife]
  • (It's usually more fun when Deus ex Machina isn't used.)
  • (#41) And finish the bottle if it actually happens. [NightStrife]
  • (#42) ...Somebody asks about Piro's missing glasses. [tigger89]
  • (They were broken in strip [687] or [688], this was mentioned in strips [693] and [725], along with Piro only having low to moderate nearsightedness. It doesn't seem like he's going to bother replacing them anytime soon.)

    MegaTokyo Comic Drinking Game


  • One drink every time Largo says "ph34r".
  • One drink every time Dom holds a gun.
  • Two drink every time Yuki blushes.
  • Three drinks every time someone freaks out at realising Ping is a robot.
  • One drink every time Erika breaks someone's arm.
  • Two drinks every time Tokyo is destroyed.
  • One drink every time Piro says his art sucks.
  • One drink every time Piro frags Largo.
  • Drain the glass every time Kimiko smiles.
  • Shoka:

  • One drink every time Largo gets a broken bone.
  • Two drinks every time Largo lands in jail.
  • One drink every time Erika says "Really."
  • One drink every time Junpei says "l33t".
  • Two drinks every time Ping displays a new ability.
  • One drink every time Piro or Kimiko are depressed.
  • Three drinks when they're both depressed in the same strip.
  • A glass whenever Miho's hungry.
  • Nightwalker AK:

  • One drink every time Yuki runs away from Piro.
  • Two drinks every time she doesn't.
  • One drink every time Yuki blushes.
  • One drink every time Erika bullies her boss.
  • Three drinks every time Largo hits on Erika.
  • One drink whenever Piro stutters to a girl.
  • Two drinks whenever he doesn't.
  • Drain the glass if he makes a retort.
  • Drain the glass whenever Miho's broke.
  • Main