Reader's Guide to megatokyo
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Omake Theater
One Shot Episodes
Piro Art Days
Non-Piro strips
Strips [01] to [100]
Strips [101] to [200]
Strips [201] to [300]
Strips [301] to [400]
Strips [401] to [500]
Strips [501] to [600]
Strips [601] to [700]
Strips [701] to [800]
Strips [801] to [900]
Strips [901] to [1000]
Strips [1001] to [1100]
Strips [1101] to [1200]
Strips [1201] to present
Guide Key:

Strip number, title, date. Strips load in a separate browser window. Everything else loads in another separate browser window.

MegaTokyo fan Kim Justice has written a bunch of music that was inspired by the strip. Listed are suggested songs assigned to strips thematically, as a way to add a soundtrack to things. They are available from Kim's site.

Creative writing
Writing haiku and other forms of poetry and creative writing for the strips is a forum favorite. Read the threads that result.

Learn about the anime, manga, gaming, and pop culture references you may have missed. Read forum postings from the strip creators and get behind the scenes info. Get translations for the l33t and Japanese.

(recommended for very high screen definition settings only)
Use frames
Leave frames
  • Notes about how the comic is made
  • Cliff Notes of the MegaTokyo storyline
  • Endgames Timeline Attempt
  • A character list of folks and other stuff we've seen in MegaTokyo
  • A copy of the original character description page from a long time ago that Fred took down because people kept bugging him to update it
  • The Reader's Guide MegaTokyo FAQ
  • MegaTokyo Drinking Games
  • Just to make more work for myself, a giant page containing most of the staff rant columns
  • Updates:
    Comic listings and the associated notes pages when required go up usually a few days after they are published. Other recent changes are as follows:
  • 2010-02-02 Added new forum commentary and twitters to the notes pages of strips [1026], [1118], [1143], [1169], [1170], [1171], [1174], [1175], [1176], [1177], [1178], [1179], [1180], [1181], [1182], [1183], [1184], [1185], [1188], [1189], [1190], [1191], [1193], [1194], [1195], [1209], [1212], [1213], [1216], [1222], [1225], [1229], [1233], [1234], [1237], [1239], [1240], [1241], [1242], [1244], [1246], [1247], Fredart Colorworks 19, and the "How MegaTokyo is made" page.
  • 2008-01-23 New features in the transcript search: result highlighting and comic thumbnails.
  • 2008-11-16 Added new forum commentary and twitters to the notes pages of strips [437], [522], [1147], [1148], [1150], [1153], [1155], [1158], [1159], [1160], [1162], [1163], [1164], [1165], [1166], [1168], Fredart Colorworks 19, and the "How MegaTokyo is made" page.
  • 2008-08-01 Added new forum commentary to the notes pages of strips [1001], [1082], [1084], [1106], [1107], [1108], [1113], [1120], [1122], [1123], [1124], [1127], [1130], [1131], [1133], [1134], [1135], [1136], [1137], [1139], [1140], [1142], [1143], and [1145], and the "How MegaTokyo is made" page.
  • MegaToyko is © ® TM etc. Fred Gallagher
    Reader's Guide maintained by Ray Kremer
    This website is not affiliated with Fredart Studios, LLC Developed with HTMLpad
    Hosted by Brain Hosting